Monday, November 26, 2012

"Elder Anderson parle comme les Soeurs Missionnaires"

 Bonjour Toutes!
I'm almost ready to wrap up my second transfer!  What the?!  And poor Soeur Creager, she's going stateside in just ten days!  She's trying to figure out a way to stay in France, but I think she's finally accepted the fact that even missions must come to an end (at least full time missions, that is).  I'll find out who my next companion will be on Saturday.
    This has been an interesting week.  Soeur Creager and I managed to have 13 lessons this week, which was quite an accomplishment!  We weren't able to fix a baptismal date yet, but we're working on it.  A family for Christmas!  The lights are being put up ALL OVER Quimper, I think it's going to be like our own personal 'Lights at Temple Square' here in Quimer.  Perhaps we'll call it 'Lights at St. Corentin'? 
    This was also a hard week for us.  The father of one of the Elders in our District was killed in a car accident this week, so he went home to be with his family.  It made for a more solemn Thanksgiving meeting this past Thursday.  Of course we still had fun (the football game was cancelled), but we were all just thinking of our friend.  For Thanksgiving, Soeur Creager and I made enchiladas, and that, combined with salad, chili, mashed potatos, and pizza from the other companionships in our District, made for an awesome meal.  We also had the expostion this past weekend.  It didn't go as well as hoped, but the Lord knows the effort that we, and especially the members, put into it. 
   A random story.  I realized the other day, whilst Soeur Creager and I were walking around, that my foot was wet.  Not drenched, but definitely wet.  This could not be possible.  I was wearing my boots I'd bought just 5 weeks earlier.  This could not be possible.  And yet, my foot was wet.  I'm still inspecting the matter, but it seems to me, that one of the seals along the seam of the boot has broken, and now they are not waterproof.  When I told Sandrine of the matter, she really felt for me.  In fact, she gave me one of her pairs of boots!  I tried to say that she didn't need to do that, but she said it was her pleasure.  So, now I have one of her pairs!  They're awesome.  They're a LITTLE small for me, so I think I'll mostly just wear them on days when I am driving a lot. Love you all!
                    Soeur Bracken
P.S.  The subject line of my email was inspired by Maina, the four year old daughter of Sandrine.  It translates to, "Elder Andersen speaks like the sister missionaries".  She said that after listening to Elder Andersen at the Conference in Angers last week.  Haha, I guess all of us Americans have similar accents.  Smart girl.  Soeur Creager and I decided to look at it in a good light, though- apparently we speak like a prophet of God!

driving a lot. 

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